Monday, April 13, 2009

5 Thing to Know About Robert Langdon

In my first post about myself and this blog, I described a bit about Robert Langdon and his character. Fans of the book and of the movie will surely know what I'm talking about... but here's a bit of additional book and movie trivia for you folks to help you in your novel-surfing and movie-going experience:

1. Symbology is the fictional academic discipline pursued by the hero of Dan Brown's novels, The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. Robert Langdon, is supposed to be a professor of "symbology" at Harvard.
Karen L. King, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard, called "symbology" a nonexistent field, and noted that the closest field, semiology, is unrepresented at Harvard.

2. Author Dan Brown named main character Robert Langdon after John Langdon, a close friend and typography master who worked with Brown on an ambigram logo for 'Angels And Demons'. (Source:

3. In the story, Robert Langdon's publisher is called Jonas Faukman. Jonas Faukman is an anagram of Dan Brown's real life publisher, Jason Kaufman. (Source:

4. Robert Langdon drives a Saab 900s. It's a really cool, kind of old school car, but classy and dependable nonetheless. Suits his personality... though I honestly don't know what it does for his claustrophobia. (Source:

5. Ron Howard's first envisioned choice for the role of Robert Langdon was Bill Paxton. Paxton was interested but turned it down because of scheduling conflicts. 'Russell Crowe (I)' was then seriously considered for the role but ultimately Howard decided on long time friend Tom Hanks for the role. Other actors considered for the part were Ralph Fiennes, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney. (Source:

(Kind of hard to imagine Hugh Jackman and George Clooney in the role of a Harvard professor... sorry but they're too 'pretty' for my tastes... hehe.)

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to add more trivia to the list once Angels and Demons shows in the Philippines on May 15, 2009. What about you? Got any trivia of Robert Langdon to share?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this trivia! It's cute, especially that bit about the car. ^_^

    - Nicole
