Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Disassembling Dan Brown

Dan Brown has a very creative mind grounded on meticulous research and painstaking attention to detail. Anyone who's read his books can attest to the amazing depth of the characters he presents and the astounding amount of religious trivia one can glean by just reading a page of his novels. (Image borrowed from Age-of-the-Sage.org)

But who is Dan Brown? How did he become such an astounding writer talking about such a controversial topic?

In his biography, and I quote:
"Brown grew up as the eldest of three children in Exeter, New Hampshire and graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, a decidedly up-market school where his father was employed as a math teacher, in 1982. His mother, Constance, was a professional musician principally involved in performing sacred music. Although Dan Brown actually attended local public, (i.e. open-enrollment), schools until the ninth grade he nonetheless lived with his family on the Exeter campus and participated in a college related life that was also informed by christian values- singing in the church choir and attending church camp."
Read the rest of his bio here:

Anyway, I guess it happens that a man who grew up with such exposure to religion as he did does make for a very rich background. After all, it does make it easier to write about a subject you know...

That being said, a lot of us Filipinos can probably attempt to be writers of a similar nature... considering almost all of us grew up with a Catholic education. What do you think? Is there a Dan Brown lurking in one of our aspiring writers?

For additional info on Dan Brown, visit his official website.

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